Membership Information
Chestnut Ridge Cousins

We would love to have you join us in the Chestnut Ridge Cousins.  To become a member, just print the information sheet, fill it out, send the information sheet and a $15.00 check for membership to our treasurer, Charlotte Roberts, 104 St. Andrews Place, Tullahoma, T  37388.  This membership will be current from June 1- May 31.  One $15.00 membership fee will cover all individuals who reside at the same address.  This membership covers the cost of the annual renewal of the website domain and hosting provider.  In addition, it assists in annual operational costs and costs to help support our reunions.  

Please send any suggestions for the webpage to our webmaster, Sherry Sorrells Finchum.  If you have any questions about our organization, please feel free to e-mail any of our officers.

View the list of our charter members.
