I. Name
This organization shall be known as The Chestnut Ridge Cousins and herein referred to as the Association.
II. Exempt Activities
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no member, director, officer, employee, or representative of this association shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the association not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c) (2) of such Code and Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
III. Membership
Section 1. Active membership shall include those persons that have paid their dues as of October of each year.
Section 2. Executive Board. Honorary status implies the member’s dues are waived.
Section 3. There is no restriction to or qualification based on race, sex or national origin for membership.
IV. Meetings
The Chestnut Ridge Cousins will hold an annual reunion meeting, the date(s) and place to be determined by the Officers.
V. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall date from July 1 and will end June 30th.
VI. Government
Section 1. The government of the Association shall be a vested Board of members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Reunion Registrar. The outgoing President or Vice President shall serve as advisor to the Board.
2. The Officers of the Association
shall be elected for a 2-year term and can serve no more than two (2)
consecutive terms to the same office. The
Board will appoint the committee chairpersons for the
same term as
the Officers. The regular term of
office shall begin immediately following the annual reunion meeting.
Section 1. The President shall:
A. Preside at the meetings of this Association and of the Board.
B. Appoint committees subject to the approval of the Board.
C. Prepare and read at each annual meeting a report of the work for the year.
D. Approve bills before the Treasurer makes payment.
E. Keep the Board informed of Association affairs.
F. Plan and organize the program of the annual reunion meeting in conjunction with the officers.
G. Information is to be mailed to Registrar by February 15.
H. Authorized to execute documents.
Section 2. The Vice-President Elect shall:
A. Serve this Association in whatever capacity designated by the President.
B. Assume duties of the President in the event of the latter’s inability to serve.
C. Assume the role of President at the end of the current term.
D. Be responsible for annual reunion. The site should be decided and secured two (2) years in advance.
3. The Secretary shall:
A. Record and keep the minutes of the annual reunion meeting and of the Executive Board.
B. Notify Officers of their election and members of their committee appointments.
C. Notify Officers of the Board of meetings thirty (30) days in advance.
D. Send copies of correspondence and information regarding Association general business to the President.
E. Keep an up-to-date list of members and their addresses (current and past).
F. Prepare and present minutes at the annual reunion meeting or upon request of the Board.
A. Receive monies, pay bills and disburse funds of the Association.
B. Deposit funds as designated by the Board.
C. Keep an accurate alphabetical list of active members and status of their accounts.
D. Prepare and give a financial report at the annual reunion meeting and at the request of the Board.
VIII. Quorums
A majority of the officers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
IX. Vacancies
Section 1. The Board shall fill any vacancy occurring on the Board, with the exception of the President. The member selected shall serve until the next election. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall become President and the Board shall appoint another Vice President to serve until the next regular election.
Section 2. In the event of vacancies occurring in committees, the President shall appoint members to fill such vacancies subject to approval of the Board.
X. Finance
The annual dues shall be fifteen dollars ($15) per year for each household. This amount shall be due July 1.
XI. Standing Committees
Section 1. Nominating Committee:
A. Shall consist of three (3) active members of the Association, one of who is a former Officer.
B. A slate of officers will be prepared by the committee.
C. Nominees will be notified by the committee, and upon verbal acceptance by the nominee, will place the nominee on the slate.
D. Committee chair will submit the slate at the annual reunion meeting in the appropriate year.
Section 2. Reunion Registration Committee:
A. Shall consist of at least three (3) members, the Chairperson to be appointed by the President.
B. Prepare all necessary papers and forms for the attendees:
1. Registration forms
2. Name tags
3. Reunion packets with program, maps, etc.
C. Be provided with $500 from the treasury for operating expenses, to be repaid from the registration funds.
D. Create a registration form including all information pertaining to registration, lodging and cost, to be mailed by March 1.
E. Keep an accurate list of the registrants and forward the registration monies to the Treasurer.
F. Give a verbal report at the annual reunion meeting and submit a final financial statement to the Board within six (6) weeks following the meeting.
A. Be comprised of three (3) members, the chair appointed by the Board.
B. Research and gather family news for submission to the news journal.
C. Canvass family members for materials on their genealogy for publication.
D. Keep a record of new members, general membership and deaths, births, etc., providing copies to the Treasurer and Historian.
E. Prepare and mail news journal, which is to include the annual membership list, membership invoice and reunion reminder.
F. Answer and/or refer questions on genealogy forms to proper sources.
G. Respond to membership inquiries.
Section 4. Publicity Committee shall:
A. Be comprised of three (3) members, the Chair appointed by the President.
B. Seek ways to further publicize the Association through periodicals, web sites, genealogy society meetings, historical societies and other organizations.
C. Help in the creation of a national census as outlined in the Charter.
D. Canvass for new membership in the Association.
E. Provide Board and other committee chairs with list of new members not already submitted.
F. Give a report at the annual meeting.
Section 5. Other Committees:
President, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint committees as
become necessary to carry on the work of the Association.
Such committees shall be dissolved on
completion of assigned tasks and upon submission of a full committee
report to
the President.
Article XII. Amendments
A. A proposed by-law amendment, other than
submitted by a majority vote of the Executive Board, shall be submitted
to the
Executive Board stating the proposed change, supported by a petition
signed by
twenty-five (25) active members. Such
petition shall be submitted at least ninety (90) days prior to the
reunion meeting.
Article XIV. Not-for-Profit Organization Dissolution.
the event of dissolution, no Officer or individual member of the
shall be entitled to share in the
distribution of assets of the Association but
such assets shall be donated, transferred, delivered and conveyed to
worthwhile charity or other
not-for-profit organization at the discretion of the Board.
Article XV. Association Expenses
Expenses incurred by committees for furthering the work of the Association shall be reimbursed from the treasury upon submission of receipts documenting expense and approved by the President.
Article XVI. Parliamentary Procedure
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of Quorum
C. Reading of Minutes
D. Treasurer’s Report
E. Report of Officers
F. Report of Committees
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
I. Announcements
J. Program
K. Adjourn
Chestnut Ridge Cousins, Inc.
We hereby associate to form a
non-stock corporation under the
provisions of Chapter 10 to Title 13.1 of The Code of Tennessee and to
that end
set forth the following:
Article 1. Name
The name of the corporation is The
Chestnut Ridge Cousins, Inc.
Article 2. Duration
The period of duration is perpetual.
Article 3. Purposes
The purpose or purposes for which the
corporation is organized are:
1. General
Purposes. To operate exclusively for
charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes, or for the
of cruelty to children or animals, including but not limited to
contributions and paying them over to one or more organizations (other
organizations testing for public safety) described in Section 501 (c),
exempt from taxation under Section 501 (a), of the Internal Revenue
Code, as
now in force or afterwards amended.
2. Ancillary
Purposes. To do and engage in all lawful
that are in furtherance of one or more of the general purposes of the
corporation, including:
a. Research in depth the history and genealogy of the Chestnut Ridge families; collect, assemble, and preserve records for future generations.
b. Take a census to identify
all Prosser and
other family members in the U.S. and abroad.
c. Identify
libraries, institutions and organizations
available to
individual family members for researching their direct lineage.
d. Publish
and disseminate an annual newsletter to report
genealogical findings and history, as well as current news, in order to
an ongoing communication link with Chestnut Ridge family members.
e. Encourage the publication
of all new family information of historical and genealogical interest.
f. Preserve
Chestnut Ridge family history, resources, and
artifacts by
selecting appropriate libraries and museums as perpetual repositories
for these
g. Reunite
Chestnut Ridge family members on a regular basis
at family
reunions, historical tours, and other special occasions to share family
and experiences and to educate younger generations of their Chestnut
3. Statutory
Powers. To have and exercise the general
specified in Article 2 of the Tennessee Non-Stock Corporation Act.
members of the
corporation consist of the persons signing the Articles of
Incorporation and
such other persons as the members may elect by a vote of a majority of
dues-paying members of the corporation, at any annual or special
meeting of the
2. There
is one class of
membership and all members have an equal vote. There
is no restriction to or qualification (such as race
or sex) for
3. The
rights of a member
consist of the rights to attend, speak and vote at any meeting of the
corporation or to inspect any materials pertaining to its functions and
4. The
right of a member to
vote shall cease on termination of his membership.
No member shall be entitled to share in the distribution
of the
corporate assets upon dissolution of the corporation.
Article 5 Officers
The Officers of the corporation are
to be selected annually by a
majority of the votes of the members, voting either in person or by
proxy, of
the corporation, at the annual meeting. Officers
cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
Article 6. Restrictions
The following additional provisions
are inserted for the regulation
of the affairs of the corporation:
1. Legislative
Political Activities. No substantial
part of the activities of the corporation shall consist of attempting
influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise, or directly or
participating in, or intervening in (including the publishing or
of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to
candidate for public office.
2. Distribution
of Assets
on Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the
corporation, its remaining assets, if any, shall be distributed to one
or more
organizations organized and operated exclusively for religious,
scientific, literary or educational purposes within the meaning of
Section 501
(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as now in force or afterwards
amended, as
the Trustees of the corporation shall determine.
3. Prohibited
Transactions. The corporation shall not
engage in any of the prohibited transactions described in Section 501
(c) of
the Internal Revenue Code, as now in force or afterwards amended.
4. Accumulation
Income. The corporation shall not
unreasonably accumulate income within the meaning of Section 504 of the
Internal Revenue Code, as now in force or afterwards amended.
5. Trade
or Business. The corporation shall not be
operated for
the primary purpose of carrying on an unrelated trade or business as
defined in
Section 513 of the Internal Revenue Code, as now in force or afterwards
6. Distribution
Earnings. No part of the net earnings
of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any private
shareholder or individual
within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code,
as now
in force or afterwards amended.
7. Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to any member,
officer, director, trustee, creator or organizer of the corporation or
substantial contributor to it except as a reasonable allowance for
actually rendered to or for the corporation.
8. Public
Purpose. The corporation is organized to
serve public
interests. Accordingly, it shall not be
operated for the benefit of private interests, such as contributors to
shareholders of the corporation, or persons controlled directly or
by such private interests.
Article 7. Registered
Office and Agent
The post office address of the
initial registered office is 100
Public Sq N, Shelbyville, TN 37160. The
name of the city in which the initial registered office is located is
Shelbyville, Tennessee. The name of its
registered agent is Jody Lambert, who is a resident of Tennessee and
who is a
Tennessee Licensed Attorney at Law and Member of the Tennessee State
Bar and
whose business address is the same as the registered office of the
Article 8. Indemnification/Liability
Sherry S. Finchum, Incorporator